viernes, agosto 29, 2008

Software y Poesía

Les dejo esta comparación entre desarrolladores de software y poetas que hace Alistar Cockburn en el libro "Agile Software Development". Muy interesante!

What if software development were not software development? Then what would it be, and what would the experience be like? I suggest that it is like a community writing epic poetry together. I make this comparison not because I think you have experience in community poetry writing, but because I think you don't. Your imagination will supply you with the sorts of contradictions I am interested in evoking.

Imagine 50 people getting together to write a 20,000-line epic poem on cost and time. What would you expect to find? Lots of arguments, for one thing. People trying to be creative, trying to do their best, without enough talent, time, or resources.

Who are the players in this drama? First, the people who ordered the poem. What do they want? They want something they can use to amuse themselves or impress their friends, not too expensive, and soon.

Next we have the key poem designers.

As you might imagine, this began as a one-person project. But our mythical poet found herself promising much more than she could deliver in the given time frame. So she asked a few friends to help. They designated her the lead poet and poem designer. She blocked out the theme and the poem's sequencing.

Her friends started to help, but then they ran into problems with synchronizing and communicating their work. It also turned out that they couldn't get it all done in time. So they added a couple of clerical people, more friends, and in desperation, even neighbors. The friends and neighbors were not real poets, of course. So our lead designers blocked out sections of the poem that would not require too much talent.

What do you think happened?

There was good news: One person was good at descriptive passages, another was good at the gory bits, and another was good at passages about people. No one was good at emotion except the lead poet, who by now was pulling her hair out because she didn’t have time to write poetry, she was so busy coordinating, checking, and delegating.

Actually, a couple of people couldn't leave well enough alone. Two of them wrote pages and pages and pages of material describing minor protagonists, and our lead poet could not get them to cut it down to size. Another few kept rewriting and revising their work, never satisfied with the result. She wanted them to move on to other passages, but they just wouldn't stop fiddling with their first sections.

As time progressed, the group got desperate and added more people. The trouble was that they were running out of money and couldn't really afford all these people. Communications were horrible, no one had the current copy of the poem, and no one knew the actual state of the poem.

Let's give this story a happy ending...

As luck would have it, they engaged a wonderfully efficient administrator who arranged for a plan of the overall poem, an inventory of each person's skills, a time-frame and communication schedule for each part, standards for versioning and merging pieces of the poem, plus secretarial and other technical services.

They delivered the poem to satisfied clients, well over budget, of course. And the lead poet had to go on vacation to restore her senses. She swore she would never do this again (but we know better). Groups have surely have gotten together to write a long poem together. And I am sure that they ran into most of the issues that software developers run into: temperamental geniuses and average workers, hard requirements, and communication pressures. Humans working together, building something they don't quite understand. Done well, the result is breathtaking; done poorly, dross.

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